Monday, September 17, 2012

Here We Go Again.... Again!

Exactly 11 days ago, Hod had a phone interview for a job.  The manager wanted to meet Hod in person and offer him the job.  We flew the 1200 miles (well a few more than that because of a layover) to meet with him.  After a pretty ghetto hotel, our first (and second) taxi ride, and an impossible game of "find a replacement shoelace" we pretty much had a job.  As for finding the shoelace, we searched every store in one airport and asked around and searched a ton of stores in another airport.  No shoelaces anywhere.  How does that make sense?  There are a ton of business men who need to fly, and they could always lose a shoelace.  However, it was not to be.  Hod flew on 2 flights without a shoelace.

Anyway, we are moving within 3 weeks.  I haven't even really started packing, cause we got back, Hod had surgery, we went to a viewing and funeral, and after all of this I just needed a day off for a break.  Today was glorious.  It's sad that tomorrow I have to get going.  I need to learn how to pack with a 10 month old baby.  We still have to live, but we need to box it all up.  With Hod's surgery he is unable to lift anything over 10 lbs.  Lucky for me #1 weighs about 18 lbs.  My muscles are getting pretty awesome :)

So, here come the changes again.  This time it is going to be bigger than ever.  A new city hundreds of miles away from anywhere we've ever lived.  Finding an apartment online is entertaining.  Well, and frustrating.  However, my super nice Dad has found a trailer and offered to make the drive with us so we don't have to pay tons-o-cash to get our stuff to our new place.  Mom is going to make the drive too, and then they are going to party it up in their old mission grounds.  Family is pretty much amazing.

So, even though I have been pretty much absent in the blogging world, it is probably going to get worse before it gets better.  If I find something hilarious to tell you all about, I'll make an appearance.  Otherwise I'll say hello from my new place!


Happy Mom said...

It's good that you're young and healthy, sis!!

You go girl! So excited that you'll be closer to us.!

Anonymous said...

Thats good, your blog is cool, i like it. Thanks for the efforts my friend.