Friday, April 11, 2014


I've been taking beginning glass blowing for almost three months. It is one of the coolest things I've ever done. I haven't taken many pictures of my stuff, but here are two of my favorites. 
The rose plate I made in January. It is hard to tell from the picture, but the rose is actually 3D. It started out as a clear flat square and I added the color and dimension.

The small pitcher started out as molten glass at about 2000° F. I shaped the main part (with tools and blowing), and then added the base, handle, and the glass wrapped around it. It took about 30 minutes. It is the piece I am the proudest of.

I love my class!

I also love my husband.


Leann Nelson said...

Yeah for pictures from class! I LOVE the pitcher!! So cool!! I think you should take more pictures or post more :D Love you guys!!

Miss Nelson said...

So COOL!! You go!

Grandma Nelson said...

Those are both amazing. I didn't know you were making such cool stuff.

Unknown said...

You are so cool!! I want to try something like that!

Jen Jarrett said...

Those are amazing!!!! What a fun class!