I regret it.
Yesterday I was rushing #1 out into the main room. She had stolen a toy from #2, and that is not ok. I was holding both of her hands, doing an awkward waddle (cause she was walking between my feet) moving as quickly as possible. It was not supposed a fun leisurely walk, she was being disciplined. We just moved, and I don't have a perfect knowledge of where the walls are yet. I mean, I can look at them, but you know how when you get comfortable you don't have to look at the walls to avoid running into them? I'm not there yet.
As I rushed into the main room I hit the corner of the hallway. And I hit it hard. It threw me off balance and I accidentally pushed #1 to the floor as I started to fall. As she hit the ground I could see a small area of ground that I could hit to avoid landing on my child. I twisted and managed to avoid crushing her. I hit the ground with a yell. I was hurting. #1 was crying because she fell and I had startled her. #2 was screaming because I scared the daylights out of her when I yelled. I was rolling on the floor in more pain than I remember being in for a long time. I managed to crawl over to #1 and help her, and then crawled over the #2 to comfort her.
I texted Hod and told him I had broken my toe. But then I had to be a mom, so I started walking. What else could I do? After a brief conversation I convinced Hod that I had over reacted and that I was going to be fine. He convinced me to send him a picture of my foot. I was trying not to look at it because it made me cry. I'm kind of a baby. Anyway, this is the picture I sent him.
This may not look too bad to you. However, my second toe used to touch my big toe. And that knuckle is super swollen.
I should have painted my toenails.
Later that night I decided we should probably go to Instacare. I know that for toes they don't normally do much but tape it. But it was so crooked I didn't want it to heal that way. We went and they sent us down for x-rays. I don't have a copy of my x-rays, but let me illustrate what it looked like for you.
See that pretty dark red line? That is my break. All the way through.
That is not what I expected.
The entire time at Instacare I kept thinking, I really should have shaved my legs. And painted my toenails.
Anyway, I'm pretty lucky. I'm really not in much pain, and now I get to wear one of those super stylish boots for the next week!
Luckily Hod has today and tomorrow off so I can start to get used to being a mom with this awesome boot!
Life is always exciting at our house.
I really should have painted my toenails. And shaved my legs.