Friday, June 28, 2013

The Fam

Well, I am not really a regular blogger, am I?  I just feel like my day to day life isn't cool enough to report.  However, I have had family members tell me that reports of my normal days are fun for them, because they all live so far away. So, let us chat about what the family has been up to.

Hod is working hard.  This month he is doing an AMAZING job with his goals.  He is a selling machine!  He is looking into online school so he can get his Associates degree.  When not at work, he is playing with the girls, and they love their Dad!

#1 is a handful!  She loves to make friends, but she has very selective hearing.  This can get us into trouble.  She has finally reached the stage where she enjoys picking up, so that is exciting.  We have been talking both of the girls to an OD.  She adjusts their hips, back, and skull.  I feel as a result of this, #1 is finally progressing at a normal pace!  She is now doing complex babbling, and also works hard to mimic the sounds that Hod and I make.  Granted she should have been doing that way before 20 months, but I am just glad it is happening!  It seems her current goal in life is to be a parrot.  She screeches a lot, and likes to try to climb up and sit on my shoulder.  She asks to blow bubbles every day, and her favorite way to pop them is with her mouth.  I think that is gross, but she loves it!  She is pretty obsessed with all things sheep.  Right now she is walking around with her favorite pink blanket on her head.  That is a common occurrence, and as long as she doesn't run into the wall she is great!  She loves it when we style her hair, and gets excited when it is time to brush her teeth.

#2 is huge!  Between 3 and 4 months old she grew almost 2 inches!  She is in the 95% for height and 50% for weight.  We have started her on solids, and she doesn't get it.  But we will keep trying!  #1 always thinks she needs in on the rice cereal action... til she tries it.  #2 can hold her own bottle, however she doesn't yet really understand that when she pulls her hands away the food goes too.  If she understood the concept of holding onto things, she would be able to stand by herself for about 45 seconds.  She refuses to roll over.  She is such a bright point in my life, and has a ready smile for anyone who decided to look her way.

As for me... well, I spend my days trying to keep up with my crew!  My current project is learning to cook without using anything that could produce any sort of heat.  I'm failing at that.  Our apartment air conditioner is pretty much useless.  This makes for an unhappy family most afternoons and evenings.  We spend a lot of time letting #1 play in the children's place at the mall.  It has a good AC.

Anyway, here is a little movie I made of the girls.  It has very little editing, just cutting out the parts when I called the girls by name.  We have been working very hard on animal sounds with #1.  #2 likes to growl... I think it is adorable.

Sorry it gets so shaky at the end.  #1 was trying to climb up on my shoulder.  Oh, and it is #1 that says "Hi," not #2.

On another note... Any of you know of a great tutorial of how to add sleeves to things?  I used to just put a onsie under everything, but the girls have been getting heat rashes with those.  We put on sweaters when we go places, but that is too hot, and they are unhappy.  I would really like my girls to have sleeves!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Say What?

#1 is not much of a talker. She wants to talk, but she is super behind on the skill. We practice, and she is improving.  She says hi, bye, mom, dad dad (she always says it twice), no, and a new word:


Any guesses what she is saying?  After a few guesses from you, I'll tell you in the comments.