Saturday, December 14, 2013
Getting Serious
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
A Gift for #1
Today, #1 was being particularly difficult to put down for her nap. She kept screaming and waking up her sister. I went in to encourage her to stop screaming and her room smelled like a messy diaper. I took her out to the main room and as I went to change her diaper I noticed she was holding her right hand funny. Upon closer inspection I discovered this hand had been inside her diaper. It was disgusting. I changed her diaper, washed her hands 3 times, cut her fingernails, and went to inspect her room. Luckily she didn't "paint" very much. She was given the great task of helping me clean up. She didn't like that much.
I put her back to bed because it was either that or yell at her a lot. I was ticked.
A few hours later she was playing in the corner and I heard her talking to her toys. Then I hear, "Thank day, dad dad, mommy, ister, eesus, AmEN!" This was followed by lots of kisses and a "Nite!"
She has been given the gift of cuteness.
That is important as it makes me love her again when she has been driving me crazy.
Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he made babies and toddlers cute!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Today's Moment
#1 woke up with hair like this. I'm really not looking forward to brushing it out. Tonight we are getting together with friends to watch Wheel of Fortune. One of our friends is going to be on it tonight!
This is mostly pointless.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Big Girl
We had a birthday last week! #1 turned 2 years old!
Sadly she was sick on her birthday. We got her a new birthday dress to wear to church, and instead she stayed in her pajamas.
The day before her birthday we went to the zoo. She is such a fan of the "Amnuls!" Some of her favorites are the "Pengnnnns" I didn't take many pictures, cause I was having fun with kids instead, but here is one.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I regret it.
Yesterday I was rushing #1 out into the main room. She had stolen a toy from #2, and that is not ok. I was holding both of her hands, doing an awkward waddle (cause she was walking between my feet) moving as quickly as possible. It was not supposed a fun leisurely walk, she was being disciplined. We just moved, and I don't have a perfect knowledge of where the walls are yet. I mean, I can look at them, but you know how when you get comfortable you don't have to look at the walls to avoid running into them? I'm not there yet.
As I rushed into the main room I hit the corner of the hallway. And I hit it hard. It threw me off balance and I accidentally pushed #1 to the floor as I started to fall. As she hit the ground I could see a small area of ground that I could hit to avoid landing on my child. I twisted and managed to avoid crushing her. I hit the ground with a yell. I was hurting. #1 was crying because she fell and I had startled her. #2 was screaming because I scared the daylights out of her when I yelled. I was rolling on the floor in more pain than I remember being in for a long time. I managed to crawl over to #1 and help her, and then crawled over the #2 to comfort her.
I texted Hod and told him I had broken my toe. But then I had to be a mom, so I started walking. What else could I do? After a brief conversation I convinced Hod that I had over reacted and that I was going to be fine. He convinced me to send him a picture of my foot. I was trying not to look at it because it made me cry. I'm kind of a baby. Anyway, this is the picture I sent him.
This may not look too bad to you. However, my second toe used to touch my big toe. And that knuckle is super swollen.
I should have painted my toenails.
Later that night I decided we should probably go to Instacare. I know that for toes they don't normally do much but tape it. But it was so crooked I didn't want it to heal that way. We went and they sent us down for x-rays. I don't have a copy of my x-rays, but let me illustrate what it looked like for you.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
These Hips Don't Lie!
To better illustrate this, here are some pictures. I don't have really amazing pictures of the before, because I didn't realize what was going on. So here are a few, and they are both old ones! I didn't realize how long this had been a problem.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Little Vacation
Friday, September 13, 2013
Ladies, Get Over Yourselves
Ok, so I'll admit, I like some things about the equal rights for woman movement. I totally believe that women should be able to vote. Women should be paid the same wages for their work. It is true that in many situations a woman has to be better at something than her male counterparts to be considered equal. I experienced that when I was in High School and in College. It may seem like a silly example to you, but when I was in school, I was a drummer. In some areas, this has changed, but often girl drummers are not the norm. I remember a specific example where we were practicing a cadence that my male section leader had written. He told me it was difficult. As we were sight reading it, right as we came to the "difficult" part, he stopped everyone. I was a punk, and I kept going. The look of shock on his face when he saw that I could play this part was hilarious. He couldn't even play it. He figured he would have to water it down to make it playable for me. HA! This particular gentleman had been less than kind to me, voicing his opinion that girls aren't meant to play drums. I knew he thought less of me and my skills because I was female. Once I showed him that I was actually better than he was, he started treating me with respect. That entire situation was just wrong!
But the Church is NOT treating woman without respect! Men who truly honor the Priesthood treat woman as more than their equals. I DO NOT need to be ordained to the Priesthood to be equal to a man. And, lets think about this really... Can a man use the Priesthood to bless himself? No. So, as a woman, when I already give all of myself to my family, teaching them, trying to care for them, often sacrificing myself... why in the world would I want another responsibility? Why give me something else that adds pressure, that doesn't even benefit me? Some people may be saying, "But, Paily, having the Priesthood totally benefits the man! They have an extra measure of the Spirit when they exercise the Priesthood power." Heavenly Father is not sexist. Yes, he gave the men a job that woman don't have. They are not entitled to extra spiritual experiences because of it! A loving Heavenly Father will never limit my ability to feel the Holy Ghost. Only I can do that.
It is interesting to note, that the article mentions that in factions of the LDS church woman have the Priesthood. I'm sorry, but if you are looking at people that fell away from the Church as an example of what the body of the Church should be doing... You are probably looking at in the wrong place. Don't you think if they were doing everything right that they would be part of us?
And, let's not forget, Woman can fight for equality all they want, but we will NEVER be the same as Men. Men will never be the same as Women.
Honestly, not having the Priesthood has done a lot for me. It has greatly benefited my marriage. I was 26 when I got married. I had been living basically on my own for years. I was working to provide for myself, taking care of myself, and doing anything I wanted to do. When I met and married my sweet Hod, those attitudes didn't change. He often felt like I didn't need him. Men want to feel needed, just as Women do. He realized that I had more education than he did, I could get a better paying job, I was used to doing it all. There was one thing I couldn't do for myself. And that was anything that involved the Priesthood. Having something that I had to go to him for strengthened our relationship.
Men and Woman are meant to be equal partners. We are both needed. If I too held the Priesthood, then I would need my husband for little more than his ability to get me pregnant. (Sorry if it is crude, but it is true.) Most woman who have had children will tell you that there is something so sacred about the experience. Yes, it hurts and is agonizing at the same time, but during and right after the births of my two girls I have never felt closer to God. Is God sexist because he has allowed me to experience this, and he doesn't let men? NO! I am not saying that childbirth is equal to the Priesthood. What I am saying is, we have different jobs. We have different responsibilities. That does not make us less than equal.
I lived in Western New York for 18 months. During that time I was able to attend the Hill Cummorah Pageant. This is a commonly protested event. People that think they know better stand there and try to get things to change. My first year going to the pageant we parked across the street from the pageant. We had to walk through all of the protesters to get there. I will always remember the feeling of confusion and anxiety I felt walking through them. But then, as I was able to walk onto dedicated ground, I was filled with the Spirit of the Lord. It left no question in my mind of the truth. Protesting is not the way of the Lord. Maybe if you are looking for the Lord to change, you should change. Remember Jonah in the Bible? The Lord asked him to do something, and thinking he knew better he did what he wanted. That didn't work out to well for him, did it?
One last question for those who think Women need the Priesthood. Why do they need it? I understand some woman want it, but do they NEED it? We need to learn to differentiate between our wants and needs. I often think I know what I need. Thankfully Heavenly Father doesn't listen to me, and instead gives me what I really need.
If you have questions, take it to the Lord. But don't throw a fit trying to get your own way.
Friday, September 6, 2013
A Word of Caution To This Tale
However, it appears that she has figured out how to add words to my phone's dictionary. Not a huge deal, but I text by Swiping. I run my finger over the letters and all sorts of gibberish pops up now.
So, when you get random words from me (Like now my phone always tries to say "sui" for "so") just know that is a bit of love from #1.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
A Little Hope
And I can see a difference. The doctor taught me some things I can do to help keep it aligned. If we can continue to keep things right, and if we can keep getting this much change at each appointment, we may be able to avoid surgery! It is going to be hard work to get here there, but there is some hope! I would MUCH rather have lots of doctor appointments and be inconvenienced by having to change the way I do things and do lots of stretching and adjusting here at home, than do surgery. We were meeting with the doctor every six weeks, we have switched to every two. For now we are keeping our appointment with the surgeon, just in case. But, if things continue to change then we will be able to cancel! SO HAPPY!!
Monday, August 26, 2013
In other news, we finally got an appointment with the surgeon for #2. Unfortunately, the next open appointment is on October 5th. That is really far away. Something about this city, if you are good at all, your next available appointment is always at least a month away. It totally bugs. So... guess we just try to keep her comfortable and happy til then? She is starting to get frustrated when her body holds her back. She tries so hard to roll over, but then ends up giving up with the saddest little cry. Poor kid. She is such a sweet girl!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Little Help
*UPDATE 7 hours later* I heard back from the Doctor, and I guess the x-rays aren't awesome. They didn't take shots of what the doctor wanted so she couldn't see everything she hoped to see. However, she did say that the hip is where it is supposed to be, and nothing looks broken. (I didn't even know broken was an option!) She is still pretty concerned, because there is obviously something unusual going on. I just keep hearing that her "hips are really tight!" I don't know what that means. The doctor wants to meet with us next Wednesday morning to look at her hips some more. For now, she is thinking that we should probably meet with a pediatric orthopedic surgeon because they would have a better idea of what to look for to figure out what is wrong. So, I guess we still don't really know anything except that the obvious isn't the problem. We'll have to keep trying to figure this out. Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Accidentally Inactive
But I'm starting too! (Don't you worry, all, I'm not losing my testimony or anything.)
The month #1 turned 18 months old (yeah for being able to go to nursery!) Hod switched positions at work. Now he has to work two Sundays a month. I have learned who is willing and able to help me during Sacrament meeting, so we still go. I get a little help during that meeting, and then for the rest of church #1 is in nursery so I'm fine!
But, you aren't allowed to go to nursery if you have a cough or a fever. Lately about once a month #1 has both. Now, because we have 1:00 PM church, I always miss Sunday School. #2 does not like to sleep while being held, and that is nap time. Because of this it takes me about 30 minutes to get her to sleep. Our Sunday School teachers are very enthusiastic, (which is awesome!) and their loud voices wake her up. When Hod is at church we trade off who gets to go to Sunday School. #2 is usually super happy during Relief Society, so it is all good there. Our building is currently under construction, so as of last week, only the Chapel, the Nursery, and the Bishop's office have doors. If you have a crying kid in the halls EVERYONE can hear you. Because of all of this, if Hod has to work, and #1 gets sick, we just stay home.
Now, I did try going to Church one week by myself with a sick #1. We left half way through Sunday School. After 20 minutes of screaming by both girls I just took them home. We weren't getting anything that day. It has been a full 6 weeks since I have been to church with Hod. Either he has to work, or #1 is sick so one of us stays home. (Usually me, cause I get to go to church more than he does.)
I miss church. Have two under two while your hubby works is hard.
In other news, someone tried to break into our apartment last night. They pulled the screen out of #1's bedroom window. The window was locked so they couldn't open it. I called dispatch to have someone come and look at it, but there isn't really anything we can do. SO glad we put our 60 day notice in last week! I'm giving sick #1 a few extra kisses today. (cause she is sick and because someone tried to break into her room.)
#2 can sit up, and can stand. She still can't roll over. But she is getting close. She seems to not have any desire to crawl at all. When I put her on her tummy she holds her head up for a while, but then she gets all pitiful and plants her face on the floor and cries. It is pretty sad. She is such a cute kid!
I think #1 is getting close to being ready to toilet train. We decided to start sitting on the toilet, just to get her used to it. She hates it and screams. I think she is afraid of falling in. We need to get one of those little toilet seats to help with that. I wish she could communicate better. But we are getting a referral for a speech therapist. Just waiting for the nurse to call me back. (Well, not today, cause it is Sunday.)
The other day our couch broke. So, we went window shopping. Looks like it is time to start saving up! We actually found a couch that we both like. Seriously, that is a big deal, we have very different tastes. It is a couch where we don't have to touch each other, and we can both be comfortable. We feel old that we are to that point. Sometimes, at the end of a long day, you just need your own space.
I am FINALLY feeling like a non crazy person again. Yeah for being 6 months postpartum! So glad to feel like myself.
Hod is working hard. He is kind of over his job, so he is looking around for a new one. And he starts online school in a few weeks.
Busy times at our house!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Monster
I guess between Hod and I, we refer to #1 as the Ornery One, and #2 as the Happy Camper.
It seems those days are changing.
#1 is finally starting to get over her orneryness. #2 is just starting. What is the culprit of #2's orneryness? Teething. When #1 was teething it wasn't ever a big deal. We'd give her some teething tablets, and she'd go to sleep, and life was good. #2 can't handle it though. We try teething tablets, we try Tylenol, we try everything. And the poor girl can't get a break! The only thing that relieves her is chewing on a cold bottle of water. Currently that is the only way I can get her to sleep. This is making for long nights. A bottle of water only stays cold so long. And then she moans and starts chewing on her hands, but then she bites too hard, so her life keeps being sad, and there is no hope in her world.
My sweet little girl is turning into a bit of a monster. But I can't really blame her.
These Girls rock my knee highs.
Monday, July 15, 2013
However, there are certain very quiet sounds that she easily wakes up to. The hardest one for me: the sound of my jeans swishing as I walk. You see, I am not a super skinny girl. My thighs touch. I'm good with it. But when I walk, if you really listen, you can hear the denim of my shorts swish. This is a problem because #2 still sleeps in my room. In our home, you always have to go through a bedroom to get to a bathroom. If #1 is asleep, I can't go use her bathroom, because the door sticks and wakes her up. #2 can easily sleep through the squeaky bedroom door, the closing of the bathroom door, all noises made in the bathroom (like hand washing and flushing toilets) all of that. However, the sound of my jeans wakes her up. I have now adapted with this really awkward walk where I space out my legs and squat down a little so as to not let my jeans swish.
I just ran through her room to get my phone that was ringing. (She won't sleep through that.)
I think I pulled something doing my awkward "don't let the thighs touch" move.
The things we do for our kids. ;)
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Fam
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Say What?
#1 is not much of a talker. She wants to talk, but she is super behind on the skill. We practice, and she is improving. She says hi, bye, mom, dad dad (she always says it twice), no, and a new word:
Any guesses what she is saying? After a few guesses from you, I'll tell you in the comments.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Great Day
Friday, May 10, 2013
Day To Day
Example: Going to the grocery store. This has never been one of my favorite tasks. Now I pretty much hate it. Figuring out how to maneuver a grocery store with two girls was a struggle. But I think I have it down. Oh, but I just told you I hate it. Why would I hate it? Because of all of the lame people!
I realize where I live that a family like mine is unusual. I'm used to the surprised looks. I'm fine with people asking the ages of my girls. We can be a bit of a spectacle. It is normal for me to hear someone comment on how cute #1 is, to then have them look with surprise when they realize there is a baby in a carrier right behind her. But really, friends. Can we work on a few things?
For example: Today I went to Aldi. It is a great grocery store with awesome prices. There are a few quirks for those of you not in the know. They don't bag your groceries. They take the food right off the belt, scan it, and put it back in the cart. Also, you have to "pay" a quarter to get a cart. You get your quarter back when you return the cart. We made it through the store with #2 in the car seat at the front of the cart, and #1 in the main part of the cart. She loved that I kept handing her new toys to play with. "Oh look! A box! And a can! And another box!!! My life is awesome!" (I'm pretty sure that is what she was thinking.) We even managed to buy eggs and get them home in one piece. (Well, 12 pieces.) While shopping I had quite a few of the normal comments I get. That's cool. #1 was squealing a lot. But she was super happy so I didn't stop her. It's not like we were at the library or anything. I heard (and I guess that there were more comments I didn't hear) one woman say under her breath "she could probably keep her kid under control if she didn't have two to deal with." EXCUSE ME? Who are you to say something like that? My girls were both being very well behaved. If you are allowed to make any noise, then so is my 18 month old.
When I went to return my cart I had both girls with me. It is getting hot here, #2 was asleep, and I knew if I put the girls in the car and when to return the cart #1 would scream and wake up her sister. The problem was, you can't get your quarter back if anything is in the cart. I pushed the cart to the return area and passed a couple that was smoking. "Oh, look how sweet" the lady said. "She is adora... wait! Is there another baby there?"asked the man. I smiled and told him that yes, there were two and they are both mine. He then proceeded to watch me struggle to return the cart while holding a squirmy toddler and a baby in a car seat. While I was doing this he commented that I, "must have a really hard time doing normal things like grocery shop with those kids." Huh. Ya think? Maybe you could put down your cigarette for a minute and return my cart for me? I realize that you may have had to step about three feet to do this, but that would have been much kinder than just watching me struggle and commenting about it.
Oh, and probably my favorite comment I get from people: "Did you know you don't have to have your kids so close together? There area ways to prevent that...." oh... gosh... I'm so embarrassed I didn't know that. I sure wish I had known you before so you could have imparted your great and wonderful wisdom earlier.
Maybe we should just be nice? Maybe you don't have to approve of the spacing of my children but you could just keep your opinion to yourself?
And just one more story. This last week Hod and I were out shopping for Mother's Day. He wanted to get me some jewelry with an emerald. Right after finding out the ages of the girls (18 and 3 months) the sales lady perked up and asked, "Oh, so do you want an emerald because that is their birthstone?" Ha! Nice math lady. But if this month is May and emeralds are the birthstone for this month.... how can an 18 and 3 month old have May birthdays? People are funny. At least she was nice. :)
Monday, April 15, 2013
Just A Moment
Friday, March 15, 2013
Yeah, that was my reaction too. She was trying to smooth them out because I furrow my brow when I read. (And apparently when I type too...) She was worried that I would get wrinkles. I didn't listen to my mom. I wasn't really worried about the wrinkles. Now I totally have them. Not a big deal. I'm fine with it.
However, I have found myself trying to smooth out #2's wrinkles that she is getting for the same reason. It is funny to see her furrow her brow so often. Maybe there is something in the genetics? Whatever. Wrinkles are in this season, right?
And now some random pictures.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Opposites Attract
Hod has always been a night owl. Me, not so much. Not that I don't enjoy staying up, but growing up I was trained to be an early riser. While I was in high school I always had somewhere to be by 6 am on school days. You would think I would sleep in on Saturdays to make up for it. Not so my friend! Saturday mornings my Dad always went to an early session at the temple. He got home between 8 and 8:30 am. I always knew I had to be awake by the time he got home. Then, during the summer my Mom would wake us up by 8 to read scriptures. There was no sleeping in at my house.
When we were first married this resulted in Hod trying to get me to stay up late, and me being lonely in the mornings. It was no good.
#1 is much like me. She goes to bed by 8 pm, and she is up by 8 am.
Turns out #2 is like her Dad. Late nights and late mornings. This was proving to be problematic for me. I was going crazy staying up late with one kid to turn around and get up early with the other.
Not anymore. Hod now stays up with #2, I go to bed early, and I get up with #1 while Hod sleeps in.
I like it when we can work together on this parenting thing and we both get what we want.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I love my girls so much. #1 has a few little quirks. For example, when she is really sad she will find her favorite pink blanket and bite it. I don't know where that came from. This morning I had #2 on the floor as I was changing her diaper and she was screaming. #1 came over, and though at first I wondered if she was trying to smother her sister, gently offered her favorite pink blanket for her sister to bite on. Yesterday #1 tried to sit on #2. We had a very quick, very firm talk about why that wasn't ok. She went to the other side of the room and sulked for a minute, then came back and gave #2 the sweetest little kiss and pat on the head.
Today we have all been awake for less than three hours. So far I have given 3 baths, changed 5 diapers, and changed 4 sets of clothing.
Last night I got 2 1/2 hours of sleep.
This morning I had a beautiful 10 minute cuddle session with #1. She smiled at me and gently rubbed my cheek.
Monday #1 threw up on me.
After a lot of work, I have gotten #2's schedule to shift about 5 hours. She came home from the hospital almost completely nocturnal. She is starting to respond a little to me. Blinking her big eyes and pursing her little lips into the sweetest "O".
I taught #1 how to tickle #2. Not that she laughs yet, but #1 thinks it is the coolest thing ever.
#2 is already obsessed with her pacifiers. #1 was never really into them. This is awesome because it is really quite easy to calm her down. It is a little less awesome because if the pacifier falls out at just the wrong moment she kind of loses it.
#1 is doing marginally better with eating. She will now eat chicken and beef. Now we just need to get her to sleep. She was doing great, but then we brought home her sister and threw her entire world upside-down.
#2 has the hiccups. It is so cute!
I almost can't believe how my heart has grown to love my family. Yeah, I'm exhausted. Yes, most days there are moments where all three of us are crying. But I am blessed to have two amazing daughters and one supportive husband that deals with the craziness.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
All The Gory Details
Seeing as pretty much all of you are either family or friends I'm sure most of you know this by now. I was pretty detailed about my birth experience with #1, and I am glad. I don't have a memory right now, and I'm glad that I have that record. So, here we go again. This is more for me and the future #2 than anyone else.
Saturday, Feb 2, I was having some pretty hard contractions in the morning. However, these contractions weren't close enough together to warrant going to the hospital. I let Hod know what what going on, and he decided to come home for his lunch. While he was home I wasn't have a single contraction. However, my lower back was KILLING me! He was pretty worried about me. I'll be honest, I was too. Something just didn't feel right about my body. After some prayer, Hod decided we needed to go to the hospital. I readily agreed. That is unusual in and of itself. I am kind of anti hospitals. Well, not super anti because I would never consider delivering anywhere else.
We called some friends to take #1 and off to the hospital we went.
We got there, around 4 in the afternoon, I was hooked up to monitors and even though I couldn't really feel them I was having regular contractions. I was already dilated to a 4 and the bag of waters was bulging and ready to pop. We decided to stay for a few hours and see what would happen. 60 min later I was at a 5, and having painful contractions. We got the official word, they were keeping me! #2 was on her way! When we had sent #1 away with friends we hadn't given them everything they would need to watch her more than 5 hours. Hod went on a quick run to take care of all of that while I waited.
I was enjoying some HGTV when they came to tell me they were ready to augment my labor, We waited for Hod, and then quickly broke my water, started pitocin, and got an epidural. I had an epidural with #1, and loved it. It didn't work perfectly but it was still pretty great. But this time it was a little funny. Everything started sounding really metallic. I realize that doesn't make much sense, but I don't know how else to describe it. I felt really light headed and I'm still not sure if I passed out. (Wow... that sounds kind of scary now that I mention it.) But the pain was gone and I appreciated that. Also, pretty soon the metallic sound and light headdedness left too.
However, a few hours later the pain was back. And it was back in full force. Because of the pitocin the contractions were really hard. Knowing that I was getting an epidural I hadn't practiced any other sort of pain management techniques. This is the one unperfect part of the delivery. It took about an hour to figure out what the problem was. Turns out ... well I don't really know I guess. All I know is that they ended up moving my epidural and then I could handle my life again. That hour... man. It was no good. However, once they took care of it life was blissful again.
When I arrived at the hospital, #2 was still sitting posterior. But my amazing nurse had me doing some acrobatics to get her to flip. And it worked!
Just before midnight chaos broke out in the maternity ward. There were at least 3 other woman laboring at the same time as me. Within minutes 2 of them were moved into the OR for emergency C-Sections. Sadly my amazing nurse, and my doctor had to go with one of those women. But the new lady was nice. One of the first things she did was check me again, and I was fully ready to start pushing. Turns out the other lady laboring who didn't need a C-Section was ready too. So, instead of immediately starting to push, they let me labor down on my own for a bit. (I say "let me" even though I'm pretty sure they wanted to get a little more organized because everything was happening all at once. Whatever, I didn't mind.)
Once everything else had calmed down, and they found me a new doctor we got ready to push. Sadly, I did end up needing to be on oxygen again. Hod had an easier time than he had during our first delivery. He was able to watch the birth without getting light headed. He said it was really amazing.
To help get me in the correct position, I had an exciting tug of war party with one of the nurses. She was rather impressed with my upper body strength. I do have some pretty amazing shoulder muscles from all the heavy drum carrying I did in High School. I actively pushed for only 45 minutes. That was worlds better than the 3 hours I pushed with #1. #2 came and she was beautiful! No vacuum no forceps, just an easy delivery. The only sad part is, right as #2 went to gasp for air some more amniotic fluid came out, so she got it in her lungs. This made it so I couldn't hold her immediately as they had to take care of her. They took her away to attend to her, stitched me up (Yeah, I tore again, but only a stage 3 this time!) and then Hod and I waited for them to return our girl to us.
This experience was so different than #1's. And I'm glad. The entire time in the hospital from check in to baby was only 9 hours. We did end up with a few hic-ups. The results for my group b strep test were inconclusive so we were both treated for that. That meant we had to spend an extra night in the hospital. As for healing, it is going pretty well. The nurses in the hospital thought I was crazy. I haven't ever needed anything more than strong ibuprofen to fight the pain. Heck, the part that hurt the most was my arms from my awesome tug of war fight. Over all it was quite the pleasant experience.
Life at home is exciting. Well, that is one way to put it. Today is my second day home all alone. It was hard to see my mom go. So far we've all only cried once! I'm excited and nervous about this new part of life, but ready or not, here it is!
(I was going to post pictures too, but I can't figure out how to activate something on my phone so it will let me connect my phone to my computer and my amazing phone guru {AKA my hubby} is at work. I'll see what I can figure out for later.)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Almost Not Perfect
Height 75%
Weight 25%
Average the two together and she is only at 20%. If she gets down to an average of 15% we have a problem. She is slowly falling off the weight chart.
Walking: She has done it once for Hod and once for me. (Well, not actually for us, we have both just caught her doing it once.) As of right now she is still in the normal range for not walking.
Talking: She doesn't really. But she is able to communicate a little, so we are still in the normal range for that.
Sleeping: She is on a regular pattern, but not yet sleeping though the night. The pattern suggests that she should be able to sleep through the night, but she just isn't. For her age that is still considered ok, but just barely.
However, unless we see some major progress in the next three months we get to start meeting with a ton o people. If she starts to really walk, then they expect her weight will plummet. If her foot size is any indication she is just going to get taller, so she really needs to eat better or she will fall off the weight chart. If that happens we will be meeting with a dietitian. I am going a little bit crazy trying to get her to eat. The only foods she will always eat are milk and yogurt. Everything else is so hit and miss it drives me crazy. I no longer prepare food for myself because I know I will just end up eating what I make for her. I have a friend who is a dietitian and she has already given me a few tips to get some extra calories in her milk and yogurt. Coming from a family that has struggled to lose weight it is strange that I am working so hard to get my daughter to gain weight. I think she gets that from her dad. (Seriously, before he started a new med that can make you gain weight he could eat pure fat and not gain weight. You know the stuff you cut off of your steak cause it is just fat? He could eat it, and enjoy it, and still stay the exact same size.)
If she doesn't start walking by her next well check we will have to meet with physical therapists.
If she doesn't start sleeping through the night then we will have to run a bunch of tests to see if she maybe has sleep apnea or something that is preventing her from really resting. (And according to my Dr, the answer isn't just to ignore her when she wakes up at night. We talked about that extensively. With her current sleep pattern that isn't the problem I guess.)
If she doesn't become more vocal then we will start speech therapy.
Now, I realize we have 3 months. That is 1/5 of her life. That is a long time for a kid her age. I just worry that with #2 showing up any day I will have a hard time working as much with #1 as I need to in order to give her the best chance of making the goals we have set.
I talked to the Dr about possible ... What is the politically correct way to say it? Is this just a small developmental delay, or is this going to be a permanent life long problem? In some ways she seems SO smart, but the fact that she is all but behind in everything makes me nervous. As of now the Dr doesn't think it is anything like that. But I still worry. I have quite a few friends with special needs kids. They go through a lot. I can't really imagine what life will be like if we join that group and I have such a young baby as well.
I've never really felt like a paranoid parent. I have actually had a lot of moms tell me that I am super chill for a first time mom. I'm not so chill anymore. Most days feel like we are fighting all day as I try to get her to eat or speak or walk before I will help her with things. I thought we were dealing with possible tantrums before but that was nothing compared to what we are doing now. I miss my sweet happy girl. It is so hard to watch her throw fits and have to ignore them. I know what she wants. I know how to make her stop. But then she won't learn. Then she will just stay behind.
I've had a lot of other moms tell me that I don't need to worry about it. All of these things will happen when they happen and it isn't a big deal. That is what I thought too, but apparently if she is behind in all of these things there could be something else going on.
I love #1 so much. In the past few weeks we have grown closer as I have slowed down to spend more quality time with her. Our days of just the two of us are rapidly coming to a close and I will miss them. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for #2 to join us, but I know that will change everything in our lives. I cherish the time I have with #1.
So yeah. That is where we are. I hope that I'm just worrying over nothing and in the coming months something will just magically switch on and all of our problems will work themselves out.
It is going to be an exciting three months!